Saturday, June 29, 2019

June 29, 2019 saintlist

     Saints Celestine, Bernardine of Siena, Eugene de Mazenod, Rita, John Baptist de Rossi, David I of Scotland, Mary Magdalene de Pazzi, Philip Neri, Augustine of Canterbury, Maximinus of Trier, Joan of Arc, Mechtildis, Justin Martyr, Marcellinus & Peter, Charles Lwanga & Companions, Francis Caracciolo, Boniface of Mainz, Norbert, Willibald, William of York, Ephrem, Getulius, Barnabas, John of Sahagun, Anthony of Padua, Methodius I, Germaine Cousin, John Francis Regis, Emily de Vialar, Gregory Barbarigo, Romuald, Vincent Kaun, Aloysius Gonzaga, Thomas More, Joseph Cafasso, John the Baptist, William of Vercelli, Anthelm, Cyril of Alexandria, Irenaeus, Peter, and Blessed Margaret Pole, please pray for us.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Funk nite at the BL pt. CXVI: Dr. John's "Right Place, Wrong Time"

     Tonite we feature, after a little hiatus, a tribute to the late Dr. John (RIP), by means of his greatest hit, "Right Place, Wrong Time":

     Funk it up!